One of the nice features of CC.NET is the web dashboard that provides the visibility in to the builds.

Subtext uses CruiseControl.NET (CC.NET) as it’s continuous integration (CI) build system. Thank you and keep on visiting the site.As you know, I’m working with the Subtext project. If you encountered errors in the project don’t hesitate to contact us by posting your queries in the comment box or you can directly post you questions in our Facebook page. The source code is also available for download and you can use it as your reference. We are all set and ready to test the project, kindly press F5. Note: you must first select which item you want to delete before you click the Remove Item button.ġ1. The code above will first ask you if you really want to delete the item, if you select yes then the item will be removed from the list. If vbYes = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete the selected item?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "") Then Double click the cmdRemove button and paste the following codes: If <= 0 Then MsgBox "Nothing to remove", vbInformation, "": Exit Sub Next is the code that will remove the item from listview. You cannot add an item if you leave the textbox empty.ġ0. The code above will add the value entered in the textbox to our listview control when the user clicks the cmdAdd button. MsgBox "Please enter a name.", vbInformation, "" Double click the cmdAdd button and insert the following codes: Dim lstItem As ListItem The first column is ID and second column is Name and then click OK.ĩ. In the Column Headers tab, click Insert Column. Next is we’re going to insert two columns in our listview control. In the General Tab kindly set the View into lvwReport, check the FullRowSelect and Gridlines.Ĩ. Right click the listview and select Properties. This is what your form should look like:ħ. The highlighted one is the Listview control.Ħ. We can see this in the Toolbox of Visual Basic 6.

The image below shows the controls added to our project. Go to the Project in the menu bar and select Components and then look for Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6) and check it. Note: add first Microsoft Windows Common Controls 6.0 (SP6) component to include the listview control on our project.ĥ. Two Command Button – Rename the first into cmdAdd and change the caption into Add Item and the second into cmdRemove with the caption Remove Item. Label – change the caption into Enter your name Save the Visual Basic project and the form in the same directory or folder. Add a Form to our project and name it as ListviewFrm.ģ. Open your visual basic 6 program and create a new project and select Standard EXE.Ģ. Just follow the step by step procedures of this tutorialġ. This tutorial will teach us how to add items and remove items from listview control. Source Code Top 90 Visual Basic Project Ideas